NOTE: A page 0f selected videos has been added. A page dedicated to Follies/Summer Stock has been updated along with the Discography and LISTING OF TV APPEARANCES (20 PAGES) and TIMELINE FOR DOROTHY COLLINS (11pages). Under the tab "MORE", a second page of Reviews/News Articles has been added.
Last Updated: November 17, 2017.

Stage & Summer Stock

Photo on Left: Dorothy in I Do! I Do! with Ray Dash in 1977
Photo Above: Dorothy in South Pacific 1963
Dorothy Collins was no stranger to the stage. Just about the time that NBC was thinking of shaking up the featured stars of "Your Hit Parade", Dorothy began to venture out into the theatre and started taking some acting coaching. She recalls in a fan magazine article, "I never realized how much was involved in acting. It was amazing how everyone came to class (at the New Dramatists Workshop) frightened and inhibited. I thought I'd be the only one. But after a while we got used to acting out things in front of each other and taking the criticism. It's all so scientific. I mean, there are definite tools that actually work for you. When I get applause from that class, I'm telling you, you can't live with me!"
This led to her first summer stock stage appearance at the famous St. Louis Municapal Opera with her staring as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz in 1957.
Check out the listing of summer stock Dorothy appeared in during her career. Last updated ON 11/17/2017.