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America's Sweetheart

Dorothy Collins had a fantastic career. You have made it possible for her fans and new fans to view the fantastic career of this wonderful starI I Miss Collins. i remember her singing on the Raymond Scott radio show on CBS radio everyweek day around 1944. I was just a youngster but I loved to listen to bands on the radio. Wow -what a great voice. She continued her career with the Scott orchestra and in 1950 she was hired by the American Tobacco Co. to do the jingles on the radio and tv versions of Your Hit Parade. As it moved permantently to television she became the featured singer and America responed to her gracious personality and that great voice .It has been success after that all the way to Follies -the Hal Prince fantastic musical . Wow. What a performance. My wife and I saw it 3 times. Breath taking. Wow. What a voice. Marvelous.--Bob from Florida

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